Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Got my uke today!!!!

YAY! I am so excited about this! The box came to my door and I couldn't wait to open it! Went to get the scissors and I felt like a kid on Christmas - excited yes, but more like when the gift was a Barbie and it took FOREVER to get her out of the box! This uke is like a Barbie for 25 year old me! :) I FINALLY got it out of the packaging and started to strum away - no it was not tuned yet. Haha. Next step was to get right on YouTube and look up "how to tune a ukulele" - I got quite a few hits on that, so I picked one and started trying to tune it. A couple of them went - even the ones that said beginner - went way too fast for me... but between a couple of them I think I got pretty close! I still think it needs a little more tuning, but I am going to outsource for that. :)

That is my latest fun purchase. I can't wait until I actually start to learn the chords and different songs. I have this awesome thought in my head of being able to take it with me to Hawaii and play on the beach. That is my goal! I will keep you posted on my progress!!!

First Post!

Okay , so everyone seems to be blogging these days, and I think it is about time I join. Really I just feel like it will be a good place to share my thoughts - even if no one reads this but me! :) I would love to share great times, thoughts, and my love for the LORD in this blog. It is me in a nutshell, "A Tiny Nutshell." :) Enjoy!!!